The Great Wall
2010-2-9 Visit: 处理 SSI 文件时出错

    The Great Wall is Chinese ancient military project for defense. It’s the miracle of the world architectural history. It snakes its way across 9 provinces, including Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu. It is east from the Yalu River, west to the Jiayu Pass for some 300km. It was mostly built on the highest point along with different terrain ,as known as the Great Wall. The section of Yalu River to the Shanhai Pass was damaged seriously because simple relatively,but the section of Shanhai Pass to Jiayuguan reserved more completely .The latter was more durable than the former. The distance between two passes reached 6700 km.
    The Great Wall developed by joining beacon and other single building. At the beginning there had only the Beacon Towers, then they were joined by wall so as to take shape of the Great Wall. During the Warring States period, the Northern nomadic invaders contended for hegemony and mergered mutually ,at the same time,there formed Qin, Chu, Qi, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei several large countries. For the purposes of defensive,they built the military defense system—Great Wall,by the river embankment and mountain existing originally,but the scale was small at that time. Chu Great Wall was first built about BC 7th. Subsequently, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Qin, Wei, Han countries also built the Great Wall against each other from BC6 ~ BC4.Qin Shihuang established the first multi-ethnic unified feudal kingdoms in BC221.He conscripted laborers to built the Great Wall to defend agaist Huns.As dynasty came into being and passed into history,the Great Wall was continuously repaired and extended during the Western Han, Eastern Han, Northern Wei, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, Sui, Liao, Jin, Ming dynasty.And Ming was the last dynasty repaired and extended the Great Wall. The Ming Great Wall was built far beyond all previous dynasties in the built grand scale,perfect defensive organization and solid materials.

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